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Paris is wonderfully walkable...


From the moment we stepped out of the taxi at our hotel and saw the Eiffel Tower was right down the street, we knew this trip would be full of the essence of Paris.


We checked in with the amazing, helpful staff at our hotel, and then we had time to walk around the neighborhood before the tour began.


When we arrived, we had no idea how to use the Métro or get around the city, but by the week's end we were experts! Our guide helped us learn the ropes so we could travel as a group, but also so we had the freedom to explore wherever we wanted in our free time.


We loved walking down the streets while our guide filled us in on all the most interesting stories of Parisian life, architecture, culture, and history. After we got to know our tour guide and the rest of our wonderful group members, we took a tour of the neighborhood, and I was amazed at how much beauty and life were contained in only a few blocks.

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